Understanding ADHD - Athena: Learning Reinvented

Understanding ADHD

By Athena: Learning Reinvented

  • Release Date: 2020-10-15
  • Genre: Self-Improvement


Learn how to manage this common mental health disorder and harness the traits and talents stemming from it, as many have already done successfully. Athena is a guided learning experience featuring curated reading lists of “must-read” books that span a multitude of topics to help you do everything from turbocharge your health or career, improve your sex life, find inner happiness and even up your chess game. Here, we present the key insights and takeaways from the most insightful books about ADHD. Delivered From Distraction, by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey Take it from two psychiatrists who’ve successfully managed attention deficit disorder themselves: It comes with many challenges for those who have it and those who care about them, but focus on the strengths it offers and you too can live a joyful, productive life with ADD. Taking Charge of ADHD, by Russell A. Barkley A pioneering researcher and professor of psychology offers several guiding principles and workable tactics for parenting children with ADHD. Flipping ADHD on Its Head, by Jim Poole, M.D. Most treatments for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is negative and the care they’re offered is incomplete. A pediatrician says to reframe how you look at ADHD, with an emphasis on the strengths and gifts it brings. Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?, by Gina Pera Everyone knows someone with ADHD but symptoms too often get dismissed as forgetfulness, disorganization or plain moodiness. The condition can wreak havoc on relationships, so learn to recognize it as a first step toward finding treatment and solutions. Smart but Scattered, by Peg Dawson EdD and Richard Guare PhD Even smart children sometimes struggle getting their act together. But by targeting weaknesses in executive skills, you can make their lives a lot easier and help them maximize their potential. Women With Attention Deficit Disorder, by Sari Solden ADD is typically associated with men, meaning that women with the disorder often go undiagnosed. A therapist with ADD who works with female clients with ADD presents a road map for women with the condition, and those around them, to take control of their lives. You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!, by Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo A therapist and a teacher who each have ADD provide methods to avoid harmful self-talk and fix the real problems causing stress and disorganization. A New Understanding of ADHD in Children and Adults, by Thomas E. Brown Contrary to popular belief, ADHD isn’t a behavioral issue — and it’s not simply due to lack of willpower. Instead it’s a cognitive disorder that’s linked to impairments in the brain’s management system.
