The Librarian - Ciara Graves

The Librarian

By Ciara Graves

  • Release Date: 2020-09-27
  • Genre: Paranormal Fantasy
Score: 4
From 421 Ratings


Portland, Oregon.

Nienna Havard. College student. Librarian. No one special. She's keeping a secret. Her mother's in an mental institution after vanishing for several years. She came back talking about elves, goblins, and wars.

To compound matters, she's having a hard time breaking up with the guy who clearly isn't right for her. Or maybe she's not right for him. Either way, she can't figure out how to tell him that they aren't working out.

Alred Lightvale. Elf. Hot. Protector of the Historian. He traveled to the human world to find a girl who's supposed to replace the recently murdered Historian. He's got a tight timeline to get the next Historian in place.

One problem. She's not exactly buying it. And she sure as heck isn't interested in joining the cause.


  • The Librarian

    By BellaOfTheShire
    Nienna loves being a librarian in beautiful Portland, Oregon. She shares an apartment with a good friend. Then a strange man dressed like a character from a Renaissance Faire appears in her world with a mysterious book and a tale that makes her wonder about stories her mother told her as a child. Despite resisting belief in his tale, she quickly realizes the danger he warned her about will come for her. A very compelling story for lovers of old books and elves. This is another book that could benefit from better editing.
  • I like the premise…

    By Duck Sneeze
    But find the hero too argumentative and full of self pity. That leads to me feeling her protector couldn’t have fallen for her that quickly or easily.
  • Great book

    By 1029384756-"/@:&;$().',!?
    Loved the plot, the characters, and the writing! Only a few typos, mostly extra words, missing words, and/or wrong tense. Nice balance of suspense, action, and switching viewpoints. My only complaint besides the aforementioned typos is sometimes the switch between past and present is hard to follow.
  • Good book

    By l p o
    It leaves you wanting to read book two. Detailed and descriptive words help you dream of a new world.
  • Riveting

    By TJ@8675309
    Well written, pulls you in.
  • Just say no

    By LordScotty2
    No plot, no sci-fi, chick story
  • Good idea, mediocre execution

    By Birdie❤️‍🔥
    This story has a lot of potential, but that’s about it. The characters were not developed, the relationships rushed, the storyline not well flushed out. If you’re looking for a light easy read this will work. I didn’t necessarily think the story was bad, just the execution.
