The Weatherman's Daughters - Richard Hoyt

The Weatherman's Daughters

By Richard Hoyt

  • Release Date: 2020-09-21
  • Genre: Mysteries & Thrillers



In The Weatherman's Daughters, Richard Hoyt returns to his highly acclaimed John Denson mystery series with a natty new twist.  

Two daughters of a Portland weatherman have been killed for no apparent reason and John Denson and his Native American partner, Willie Sees the Night, are called from their remote cabins on Whorehouse Meadow in the Cascade Mountains to help. But for once Denson is stumped—this is a trail he can't seem to follow.  

Frustrated by his inability to trace a criminal monster, Denson sets down his skep­ticism and accepts, provisionally, Sees the Night's shamanistic ways. Out-of-body flying? Entering the spirit of an animal? Can it be true? Can Denson solve murders by playing Carlos Castaneda to Willie's Don Juan?  

An exotic dancer wants to join the investiga­tion, and Denson cannot resist her. But does she really intend to help? Or is she a spy or saboteur? 

Willie offers Denson a challenge. Since your rational ways aren't working, open the door to shamanism. Leave your body and seek to join the spirit of an animal who might be a guide.  

Though fearing that he will never come back, Denson takes the risk.  

The trail revealed smells of bear galls, ancient Chinese medicine, and right-wing malcontents. Denson, the tracker, is profoundly changed by his discoveries. 

 “Hoyt has a fresh, invigorating style that grabs the reader immediately. He is a master.” —THE NEW YORK TIMES
