A Spark of Romance - Jamie K. Schmidt

A Spark of Romance

By Jamie K. Schmidt

  • Release Date: 2020-06-30
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 8 Ratings


Is she out of reach?

Fire Chief and former Army sergeant Kayleigh Baker is determined to save Mulberry's annual Fourth of July fireworks display. She doesn’t want to disappoint the kids and the fireworks are a bittersweet memory of her mom’s last summer. As the town prepares for the summer parade and picnic, Kayleigh works to convince her former high school crush — now the straight-laced police chief — to help her cause.

Does he stack up?

Police Chief Liam MacAvoy doesn’t like the chaos the fireworks cause for his department and can't hide his relief when they’re cancelled. But now he’s got the woman he’s been in love with for as long as he can remember asking for his help. How can he say no? What he’d really like is to show her that fireworks and town traditions are not the only things worth fighting for.

Can the boy next door and the town hero find the courage to finally seize their chance at love?


  • Stubborn

    By Marie Bourgery
    Kayleigh and Liam were both stubborn in constant competition with each other in this book. Some of them were pretty funny like how her her firehouse team found a way to make extra chili to win the competition against the police officers. Other things like the crazy roof climbing dog next door, a fire in Kayleigh’s kitchen, and other situations kept coming up to keep them from admitting their feelings for each other and taking a risk on changing their relationship to more than friends. I loved her sisters and her friend Beck and hope they have their own romances in future books.
  • Wonderful story

    By penny42058
    This is a wonderful story about family and what one daughter will do to keep her mother’s love of fireworks alive. Kayleigh, Liam, and Evan had been inseparable back in the day, but now Kayleigh and Liam want more. Kayleigh decides to invite Liam for dinner to see if they can be more than friends. Things don’t turn out how she planned, when her kitchen catches fire, while she’s trying to rescue her neighbor’s dog. Grab your copy and get ready to meet a bunch of wonderful characters, that will have you wanting to visit Mulberry, Connecticut. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
