LoL Guide for Beginners (Everything You Need to Know)
1. What is League of Legends?
How do you win?
What is Summoner’s Rift?
Here are the basics of the Summoner’s Rift map:
Turrets and Inhibitors
The Fountain and Shop
Income and Items
2. LoL Champion Basics
Auto-attacks and Abilities
Champion Stats
Experience and Leveling up a Champion
Summoner Spells
Heal (240 second cooldown)
Ghost (180 second cooldown)
Barrier (180 second cooldown)
Exhaust (210 second cooldown)
Flash (300 second cooldown)
Teleport (360 second cooldown)
Smite (210 second cooldown)
Cleanse (210 second cooldown)
Ignite (180 second cooldown)
3. The Five LoL Roles
4. What is a team comp?
5. Fog of War and Vision Control
6. The River, Jungle, and Camps
Jungle Plants
The Blast Cone
Scryer’s Bloom
The Scuttle Crab
Elemental Dragons
The Elder Dragon
Rift Herald
Baron Nashor
7. The Three Phases and Scaling
Blitzcrank: Early game power spike
Ahri: Mid game power spike
Kog’Maw: Late game power spike
How to learn power spikes
8. How to get better at League of Legends
The Gamer Performance Index (GPI)
TF Blade’s Gamer Performance Index
Pre Game
Progress Analysis
Terms That Every League of Legends Player Should Know
League of Legends Terms, Acronyms, and Slang
LoL Terminology
How to Recognize Your Win Conditions in League of Legends
What is a win condition?
Step 1. Know your role
Step 2. Know your champion
Champion Power Spikes
Step 3. Know your team
Step 4. Know the game state
How to Start Playing Ranked
You’ve gotta start somewhere!
Choose your primary and secondary roles
Build your champion pool
How to Peel in League of Legends
A Common Teamfight Misconception
What is peeling?
Types of peel
Crowd Control
Area of effect (AoE)
Messy fights: Assassins and skirmishes
Poke and siege compsPoke Peel
Other methods and tools
How to peel
Learn from the pros