Many would say Allison is a crazy for getting caught up in the drama surrounding young Brigitte. The situation is similar to the teenage Greta Thunberg showing up at your door and accusing you of being a dirty son-of-a-bitch for destroying her childhood, for destroying her world with your greed, with your insatiable desire for luxury and comforts derived from those malevolent fossil fuels.
Some girl shows up at your door saying you're an evil bastard if you don't do as she tells you to do. What are you going to do?
This girl shows up in your living room and she wants you to panic so that you will take action to save the world from "climate change." Yes, yes, but if the actions she wants you to take are unnecessary, and, furthermore, if those unnecessary actions will actually destroy the world...well then I say that impetuous missy needs to re-think a few things.
This little novel gives one a diversion from various worries you might have, like, you might be worried that the world is burning up, or you might be worried you're going crazy because you fear your house is on fire and you are powerless to do anything about it. Or perhaps you feel you're going crazy because some Swedish child is yanking your chain but you are too lost and deluded to understand that Climate Change is just a big scam, just an easy way for con artists to separate fools from their money.
If you want my opinion then I say it's important to not make a botch of things during an Existential Global Crisis! The Bible tells us the Antichrist and the False Prophet will show up, and Revelation 14. 6-11 says 3 angels from Heaven will show up. Don't get angels from Hell mixed up with angels from Heaven. Revelation 9 says those who are not sealed with the seal of God will be tortured by monsters from Hell for 5 months. So it is important to not panic, yet, at the same time, it is vital to find the True Church with all deliberate speed.