The Cross and the Crucifix - Bill Etem

The Cross and the Crucifix

By Bill Etem

  • Release Date: 2015-03-28
  • Genre: Bible Studies


Paul Johnson wrote in his `A History of Christianity':

'Tertullian broke with the Church [Rome]...Julian claims Catholics slaughtered "heretics" with state military support. Whole communities were the 5th century there were over 100 statutes against heresy. The state now attacked heresy as it had once attacked Christianity...Jerome describes horrible tortures inflicted on a woman accused of adultery [inflicted by the Catholic-State]. In the late 4th century there was despotism in Christendom. The rack and red-hot plates were used. Ammianus gives many instances of torture...the Inquisition was born...Spain was staging pogroms of Jews by the time Augustine became a bishop...Inquisition: anonymous informers, accusations of personal enemies allowed, no right of defending council...Possession of scriptures in any language forbidden...from 1080 onward there were many instances of the Pope, councils and Bishops forbidding the Bible to laymen...people burned for reading the Bible...'

Trouble in Christendom in former centuries!!

Acts 20. 29-31 and 1 Timothy 4. 1-4 are prophesies from St. Paul saying evil men will corrupt Christianity.

My books push...

1 - Christianity is the True Faith, Jesus is God, the Divine Son...

2 - John 14. 23-26, Matthew 16. 13-19, and Ephesians 4. 4 tell us, in so many words, that it is heresy, it is a satanic lie, to say there is no True Church or to say there is more than one True Church.

3 - No matter how pious and saintly a church might appear, if that church is lost in heresy and leads people away from Heaven and to Perdition, then that church is a SATANIC CULT.

4 - Take a typical Protestant denomination lost in heresy. The Protestants in that church might be quite pious in lots of ways, and they will insist their Protestant church is not a SATANIC CULT!  But if that Protestant denomination is a false church, if it is lost in heresy, if it leads people away from Heaven and to perdition, then it is a SATANIC CULT.

How might a church become a SATANIC CULT?

It might trample on 1 Corinthians 11. 27-29, which says you drink damnation into your soul if you celebrate Holy Communion in an unworthy manner.  A typical Protestant church gives the bread and the wine to anyone who bothers to show up to partake: to pro-choicers, to Sabbath violators, to people who wave the gay rainbow flags, LGBT heretics etc.

Galatians 1. 8-12 basically says you are accursed if you alter the doctrines which St. Paul learned directly from Christ. Christianity is very clear in saying sinners will go to Hell.  You can of course be an ex-sexually immoral person and go to Heaven.  But Christianity is quite clear that if you are currently sunk in sexual immorality then you are on the road to perdition. In 1 Cor 6. 9-10 St. Paul lists by name various types of sinners who will be banished from the Kingdom of Heaven: drunkards, fornicators, adulterers etc.

In 2 Thess 1. 8 St. Paul mentions Hellfire for those who do not know God and who do not obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic Church actually teaches the doctrine that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.  Obviously the Roman Catholic Church is lost in heresy.  At least most Protestants can understand that you don't know God if you worship the false god of the Muslims, Allah, as the True God.

Those of us who are Christians are waiting for various Christian prophesies to be fulfilled.

Revelation 18 deals with economic collapse and a Great Tribulation.

Why would their be lots of tribulation? If lots of people became convinced that the Christian Hellfire scriptures are true, if lots of people started worrying about burning in Hell...

2 Thess 2 tells us the Antichrist shows up prior to the Second Coming of Christ.

And Revelation 14. 6-11 mentions 3 angels from Heaven who are on the schedule to show up sooner or later.
