John 14. 23-26, Matthew 16.13-19 and Ephesians 4. 4 tell us it is a satanic lie to say there is no True Church or to say there is more than one True Church. Yet there are hundreds or thousands of separate Christian denominations. Powerful emotions drive Christians to want to believe their dearly departed parents and grandparents have gone to Heaven. Powerful emotions drive Christians to believe the church their parents were in must be a church which leads people to Heaven.
Take the Roman Catholic Church for example. For centuries Rome tortured people for telling the truth about Rome, which is that Rome is a false church lost in heresy which drags souls down to Hell. Rome used to burn people at the stake for reading the Bible after Rome ordered then not to. Today Rome teaches the doctrine that Muslims and Christian worship the same God. Anyone with any common sense at all can see that Rome leads people to Hell. Read 2 Thess 1. 8. Yet millions of people still insist Rome is God's True Church.
People are driven by Emotion not by Evidence. People don't care to look at the Evidence if the Evidence says a worthless false church has dragged their dearly parted relatives down to Hell.
No end of Protestants drink damnation into their souls because they trample on 1 Corinthians 11. 27-29. No end of Protestant churches give the bread and the wine to anyone who shows up to partake.
Churches lose $$$ when they excommunicate people. But a church becomes a false church which leads people to perdition not to Heaven when it fails to excommunicate people who must be excommunicated. No end of churches fail to excommunicate pro-choicers, Sabbath violators, pro gay marriage heretics etc, because these churches will lose money if they did so.
Which Church is this True Church founded on a rock that we read about in Matthew 16.13-19?
We're waiting for these 3 angels from Heaven mentioned in Revelation 14. 6-11 to show up to lead people to Heaven, by leading people to the True Church.
2 Thess 2 says the Antichrist shows up prior to the Second Coming of Christ.
Suppose an angel shows up. And suppose that angel says the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is God's True Church. But if, in actuality, the ELCA is lost in heresy, if the ELCA is a false church which leads people to eternal perdition, not to Heaven, then this angel who arrived on Earth and who is promoting a false church, a church which drags souls down to eternal perdition, must be an angel from Hell not an angel from Heaven, assuming he never repents.
Or suppose an angel shows up and says the Russian Orthodox Church and only the Russian Orthodox Church is God's True Church which leads people to Heaven. If the Russian Orthodox Church does indeed lead people to Heaven, then the angel looks to be an angel from Heaven, assuming he never backslides into mortal sin.
But if the Russian Orthodox Church is a false church which drags people down to eternal perdition, if the Russian Orthodox Church tramples on 1 Cor 11. 27-29, then that angel must be an angel from Hell, assuming he never repents.
So, unless you already know how to identify the True Church which leads people to Heaven, you can't tell if an angel is from Heaven or from Hell.