The Archangel Michael vs  the Antichrist - Bill Etem

The Archangel Michael vs the Antichrist

By Bill Etem

  • Release Date: 2012-12-15
  • Genre: Bible Studies


Those of us who are Christians are waiting for some Biblical prophesies to come true.  When these transpire then the whole world will understand that Christianity is the True Faith.  2 Thess 2 says the Antichrist shows up prior to the Second Coming of Christ.  Revelation 18 describes the economic collapse which happens during the Great Tribulation.  Revelation 14. 6-11 mentions 3 angels from Heaven showing up to lead people to Heaven

Recall also Ezekiel 36. 24-28 mentions the Spirit of God being put into the Jews.

Christians have no way to interpret Ezekiel 36. 24-28 other than by saying the Jews will eventually be converted to the True Church and the True Faith - and Christians insist the True Faith says Jesus is God, the Divine Son - see Psalm 2, Isaiah 9. 6, Isaiah 53, Matthew 1. 23, John 1. 1-14, Romans 9. 5, Colossians 2. 8-10, 1 Timothy 3. 16 etc.

The big glaring problem with Christianity is that the scriptures say, in so many words, that it is heresy, it is a satanic lie, to say there is more than one True Church.

Some estimates say there are over 40,000 separate Christian denominations.

Which Church is the True Church which Christ founded on a rock, the Church we read about in Matthew 16.13-19?

Which churches are false churches which lead people to perdition?

So you can see how problems arise when the Antichrist and the False Prophet shows up and when these 3 angels from Heaven mentioned in Revelation 14. 6-11 show up to lead people to Heaven.  How do you determine if an angel is an angel from Hell or and angel from Heaven.

Suppose an angel arrives on Earth.  And suppose this angel says the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is God's True Church. But if, in actuality, the ELCA is lost in heresy, if the ELCA is a false church which leads people to eternal perdition, not to Heaven, then this angel who arrived on Earth and who is promoting a false church, who is pushing a church which drags souls down to eternal perdition, must be an angel from Hell not an angel from Heaven, assuming he never repents.

Or suppose an angel shows up and says the Russian Orthodox Church and only the Russian Orthodox Church is God's True Church which leads people to Heaven, all other churches drag souls down to Hell.  So, if the Russian Orthodox Church is indeed the only Church which leads people to Heaven, then that angel must be an angel from Heaven, assuming he never falls into heresy.

But if the Russian Orthodox Church is a false church lost in heresy which drags people down to eternal perdition, then that angel must be an angel from Hell, assuming he never repents.

So, unless you already know how to identify the True Church which leads people to Heaven, unless you already know how to identify the false churches lost in heresy which drag people down to eternal perdition, you can't determine, when an angel shows up, if that angel is an angel from Heaven or an angel from Hell.

Perhaps the thousands of separate denominations we currently have will be reduced to 2 denominations in the future, one being an infernal church led by the Antichrist and the False Prophet, and the other being God's True Church led by the 3 angels from Heaven mentioned in Revelation 14. 6-11.

1 Corinthians 11. 27-29 says you drink damnation into your soul if you celebrate Holy Communion in an unworthy manner.  Suppose you drink damnation into your soul when you share the bread and the wine with people who openly push Anti-Christian things - Sabbath violators, pro-choicers, people who wave gay rainbow flags etc.  If an angel shows up and tells you to not worry about 1 Cor 11. 27-29 then he's an angel from Hell, though the liberals would see him as an angel from Heaven.
