Godsend 12: The Audacity - K. Elliott

Godsend 12: The Audacity

By K. Elliott

  • Release Date: 2018-06-30
  • Genre: Black Literature


Mike Hudson wants to know who killed his wife. The police have always suspected him, so he hires Godsend Investigations in order to clear his name. Bad-ass Mike-Mike, the 14-year-old son, also wants to know who killed his mom, only because he plans to do more about it than his dad does. Sheronda Foster, the young boy's aunt, is ugly. In more ways than one. Although something about her turns Echo and Kiandra on, something else about her turns Brian and Needles all the way off. When her husband catches Echo with his pants down, deep in the middle of a sexual act, and easy case suddenly gets complicated to death.
