Taking part in sport and exercise can help us to keep fit, feel well, meet new people, cope with our worries, sleep better and lose weight. Enjoying Sport and Exercise will help people with learning and communication difficulties to choose what activity they would like to do, and shows them how to find out what is available to them locally. Most leisure centres have many sports and exercise classes which can be adapted to include people with special needs. Enjoying Sport and Exercise tells the story of three people who want to take up a sport and are supported to do so. Jasmine is a wheelchair user who is delighted to find she can play badminton while her mum takes up tai chi; Charlie, who is overweight, discovers dog walking and cricket; James is a runner and with training fulfils his ambition to run a marathon. The text at the back of the book includes guidelines for carers, service providers and supporters. It also provides information about where to find help and advice, and useful reading and audio materials.