The book is an attempt to express the new spirit of American politics and to set forth, in large terms which may stick in the imagination, what it is that must be done if we are to restore the politics to their full spiritual vigor again, and the national life, whether in trade, in industry, or in what concerns us only as families and individuals, to its purity, its self-respect, and its pristine strength and freedom. The New Freedom is only the old revived and clothed in the unconquerable strength of modern America.
The Old Order Changeth
What is Progress?
Freemen Need No Guardians
Life Comes from the Soil
The Parliament of the People
Let There Be Light
The Tariff--"Protection," or Special Privilege?
Monopoly, or Opportunity?
Benevolence, or Justice?
The Way to Resume is to Resume
The Emancipation of Business
The Liberation of a People's Vital Energies
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