Burma: Suu Kyi's Missteps - Zoltan Barany

Burma: Suu Kyi's Missteps

By Zoltan Barany

  • Release Date: 2018-01-15
  • Genre: Politics & Current Events


Following the victory of the National League for Democracy (NLD) in November 2015 elections, many vested their hopes in the NLD's leader, Nobel Peace Prize–laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, whom they saw as a force that would propel Burma toward democratic transition. Constitutional constraints have severely limited Suu Kyi's power to transform Burma's political life, with the military continuing to be the most politically influential institution. Even given these limitations, however, Suu Kyi has thus far disappointed her supporters at home and especially abroad. Economic reforms have come slowly, democratic standards have slipped, and Suu Kyi and her government have faced international condemnation for their treatment of the Rohingya Muslim minority.
