Loving a Stranger...Book 7 in the Kindred Tales Series - Evangeline Anderson

Loving a Stranger...Book 7 in the Kindred Tales Series

By Evangeline Anderson

  • Release Date: 2018-05-19
  • Genre: Paranormal Romance
Score: 4.5
From 40 Ratings


Reeve J'lorn is an M-Switch Kindred. Their ability to jump into and control the body of another male for a limited period of time has gotten them the derisive nickname, "Snatchers" and they are not trusted by the other branches of the Kindred. Nevertheless, it is to Reeve, an acknowledged pirate and Snatcher, that the Kindred must turn with a top secret mission--to snatch the body of a high ranking enemy and destroy a secret weapon which threatens the entire universe. And so, Reeve steps into the body of his enemy...and into a whole different world.

When Nallah Parokk's husband goes into a coma, she secretly hopes he will never awaken. Harryx is cruel and cold to her, beating her often and using her like a whore. Her existence is nearly unbearable but she knows it could be worse if her husband decides to throw her out on the street. Then he wakes up and suddenly he's...different. He's kind and loving in a way he never was before, so much so that Nallah is almost ready to forgive his past behavior. But what is behind her husband's sudden transformation? And will this change for the better last?

Though he tries not to, Reeve is falling in love with his enemy's wife. But the beautiful little female with wide golden eyes is so wary around him, he wonders what the real Harryx did to her. When he begins to find out, he is horrified. How can he ever get Nallah to love him back when he is inhabiting the body of a monster--her jailer and abuser? He knows he has to tell her the truth about who he is but how can he make her understand? And if he does, will she ever be able to trust again after she finds out she has been...Loving a Stranger?

Author's Note #1: Though I have tried to handle it in a delicate way, readers with a past history of domestic abuse may find parts of this book disturbing. Sadly, all of the situations my heroine encounters are taken from true accounts of abused women. If you are in an abusive situation, please seek help.


  • Hope

    By shirleyklohrricci
    Sweet story of a planet that women are owed with no rights and no freedom,along comes the Kindred that love,protect,and form a bond with a partner for life! Beautifully written and told on a subject some woman have a problem acknowledging! Thanks for another incredible read ❤️❤️
  • Kindred Fix 😜

    By Meghan1994
    Evangeline has done it again and gave us another great Kindred Bride novel. These books have got to be my favorite books to read anymore. She’s the only author that I will spend money on when she writes and give us more Kindred. In this one you’ve got another yummy male, an M-Switch Kindred, who hasn’t always been the nicest guy around, keeps to himself, and then gets recruited to do a mission for our favorite Kindred High Council member, Commander Sylvin, who sets him off on a mission. I won’t go be too much away, you’ll just have to read to find out. You will not regret it 😁
  • Love these books

    By ?confused
    As always I love these books. I really like the writing style. Very nice flow and the stories always keep me interested. Keep up the great work! 😍😍
  • Loved this story

    By Racy Carr
    This is one series I never get enough of. Just when you wonder if the author can get any more creative she proves to you she can. I just love the M-Switch Kindred in this book. Reeve J’lorn was one sexy caring guy. Now this story does have a trigger warning and for good reason. Nallah who lived on Hascion Five was an in an abusive relationship. Most women on this planet were not consider a person but property. They were used, beaten, and wrapped. They were considered worthless and this women truly felt worthless. It was truly a very sad situation. I loved reading about Reeve falling in love with Nallah. He truly hurt for the pain she went through. He wanted to give her justice for the pain her husband had caused her. He truly felt the pain when he saw the hurt, pain, and fear every time she looked at him. See Reeve was in her husband’ body. He had a special job he was suppose to do for the Kindred on the mothership. This is truly a great story. I truly hope the author does some more future books on the M-Switch Kindred. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
