PLEASE NOTE: This is a key takeaways and analysis of the book and NOT the original book.
Start Publishing Notes’ Summary, Analysis, and Review of Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts includes:
• Summary of the book
• A Review
• Analysis & Key Takeaways
• A detailed “About the Author” section
The core thesis of pastor/marriage counselor Gary Chapman’s most popular book, New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, is that “[m]ost in our society have not yet the learned the difference between in love and real love” (133). Chapman begins by outlining these two loves, as they apply to a marriage:
Romantic love, which is akin to obsession, is an irrational, temporary, powerful, quasi-biological state that lasts roughly two years, full of madness and elation and a (possibly superficial) complete absorption of the self into another. This contrasts to emotional love, which is complicated, disciplined, rational, intentional, and ultimately enduring. People fall into patterns, and as polemical as Chapman’s thinking and explanations can sound, his advice is earnest and clear.