SustainCase: Qatar’s Energy and Industry Sector’s water management policies, targets and initiatives -

SustainCase: Qatar’s Energy and Industry Sector’s water management policies, targets and initiatives


  • Release Date: 2017-04-20
  • Genre: Education


Case study: Qatar’s Energy and Industry Sector’s water management policies, targets and initiatives

Water conservation is an issue of increasing significance in Qatar, as it has one of the world’s lowest levels of rainfall and highest rates of per capita water consumption. Fresh water is scarce and most of the water used in homes and businesses comes from the sea and must pass through energy-intensive desalination plants.

Qatar’s energy and industry sector is made up of a diverse mix of upstream, midstream and downstream companies, all of which have to deal with the challenges posed by the country’s limited fresh water resources and the sector’s substantial role in water production and consumption. After measuring and setting targets, the 36 companies participating in Qatar’s energy and industry sector’s SDIR (Sustainable Development Industry Reporting) programme took action to reduce fresh water consumption – twenty five companies reported total fresh water purchased of 14.1 million m3 in 2013, an overall decrease of 2.2% from 2012 levels –, increase water generated on-site, reduce wastewater discharged into the sea – the energy and industry sector committed to work towards “near zero” wastewater discharge into the sea – and increase water recycling.

Using the GRI Standards in order to maintain and increase the value of your company

With each publication in this series the FBRH team will highlight one key impact identified by a company reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards and show how it has taken a structured, systematic approach to improving performance. With such positive action companies build trust, by dealing responsibly and conscientiously with their impact on the environment and on their stakeholders (e.g. clients, suppliers, shareholders, local communities, NGOs or local government). Stakeholders that can hold it back or stop it from reaching its objectives

By building trust your company creates loyalty and long-term commitment to its services and brands
