Accepting Ellen White - Theodore N. Levterov

Accepting Ellen White

By Theodore N. Levterov

  • Release Date: 2017-02-06
  • Genre: Christianity


Do you know anyone who struggles to accept the prophetic ministry of Ellen White? Have you ever struggled? You are not alone. Adventists have questioned her role since 1889. The early and mid-nineteenth century was a time of spiritual enlightenment. Different faith groups recognized over 300 men and women as prophets. Furthermore, it wasn’t unusual to attend a religious meeting and observe someone experiencing visionary and charismatic manifestations. People during the Second Great Awakening did not consider these as strange or fanatical but viewed them as a sign of God’s power and acceptance. So, in and of itself, Ellen White’s gift of prophecy and her visions was right in line with the milieu of her time. But as many of the so-called prophets were proven to be false, some early Adventists questioned whether Ellen White's gift was even true. And that's great news! The last thing we want to hear is blind, unquestioned acceptance from the people who had direct access to Ellen White herself. Just as Thomas' doubts about Christ raising from the dead can encourage us today, the doubts of the early Adventists can reinforce our beliefs. In Accepting Ellen White, Theodore Levterov goes through the process of the believers accepting, defending, affirming, and refining her prophetic ministry. In an easy-reading, story style, this book starts with the context of the times and goes through the many challenges to Ellen White and the very real victories achieved as doubters became believers. His thorough research allows him to include many stories of individual people and their own paths to acceptance. The final chapter provides lessons to modern Seventh-day Adventism. While questions sometimes continue, an understanding of our history offers answers! Order your copy today. As you learn more about our history, your faith will be rewarded!
