Want to do more with your iPad - keep active, keep in touch, play games, be creative?
Are you also fed up with trying to memorise detailed instructions on how to work your iPad? With the guidance of this book you can figure out what to do - for yourself.
The book begins with a one-page "recipe to do anything you want with an iPad". To use this simple recipe you need to think clearly about what it is that you want to do and then be able to recognise the things you need to touch on the touchscreen. The best way to pick up this generally applicable knowledge is by exploring. This is much more fun than trying to rote learn a set of instructions. Explore your iPad - for seniors will guide you on this journey of exploration.
The Chapter titles are: Enjoying keeping active; Playing games; Helping someone who has problems with everyday living; Keeping in touch with friends and family; Joining an online community, and Getting creative, photos and art.
Apps featured include: Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Words, Fitbit, My Fitness Pal, Accessibility Settings, Mail, Messages, Facetime, Skype, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, Twitter, Photos, Flikr, Dropbox.
To make this new kind of technology book work for you there are:
• general purpose How-to-do-it Guides for each topic considered that will not go out of date with new versions of apps for the iPad;
• a Glossary of Touchscreen Buttons that you may encounter while exploring;
• an Appendix - Getting apps and connecting to the internet.
The book covers all kinds of iPads including the iPad Air and the iPad mini, iOS 9 and iOS 10.
Andrew Monk is a psychologist with thirty years experience of working with researchers in computer science and electronics to find ways of making technology serve real social and personal needs. This body of work gives Andrew a unique perspective on the problems faced by seniors, allowing him to enliven the text with anecdotes and psychological insight. Andrew is Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of York and Visiting Professor in Informatics, Newcastle University.