The odd numbered chapters in this book give you a story about some dim-witted bounty hunters who are hunting for a killer.
The even numbered chapters are about hunting for killer churches - false churches lost in heresy which lead people to perdition not to.Heaven.
My religious books review the logic which says Christianity is true but every church under the cross is a false church, a killer church: every church under the cross leads people to perdition not to Heaven. No church under the cross is God's True Church, the Church which Christ founded on a rock, the True Church which leads people to Heaven
You see, if there is one Church under the cross which leads people to Heaven, perhaps more than one, but if there is at least one Church under the cross which leads people to Heaven, and is God's True Church, recall Matthew 16.13-19, then you can trust this True Church when it says the cross is Holy and Sacred.
But if every church under the cross leads people to perdition, then the cross might be sacred, or it might be evil, but if every church under the cross is lost in some sort of heresy, if every church under the cross leads people to perdition...
My religious books push the idea that Christianity is true, Jesus is God, the Divine Son - see Psalm 2, Isaiah 9. 6, Isaiah 53, Matthew 1. 23, John 1. 1-14, Colossians 2. 8-10, 1 Timothy 3. 16 etc. - but the cross is an evil symbol, and it is sacrilege to say the cross is sacred, as it is sacrilege to say evil things are sacred. I'm pushing the idea that the sacred cross of Christ mentioned in scripture is indeed sacred, but this sacred cross of Christ means Christ's sacrifice on the cross is sacred, it doesn't mean that a pagan instrument of torture and execution, a cross, is sacred to the Creator of the Universe. I'm saying that just as the Nazi swastika reflects the evil perpetrated by the Nazis, the cross reflects the evils that were perpetrated over the centuries by people carrying crosses.
Naturally most Christians will insist the cross is sacred and will insist it is sacrilege to say the cross is evil. If they are correct about that, if the cross is sacred, then there is still the issue of finding the True Church.
Lots of Christians ignore 1 Corinthians 11. 27-29, which says you drink damnation into your soul if you celebrate Holy Communion in an unworthy manner. Suppose you drink damnation into your soul if you partake of the bread and the wine with anyone who openly promotes Anti-Christian things, suppose you drink damnation into your soul when you partake with Sabbath violators, pro-choicers, with pro-gay marriage people etc.
Recall 2 Thess 1. 7-9, 1 Cor 3. 16-17, 1 Cor 6. 9-10, Acts 26. 12-18, Galatians 1. 8-12, Revelation 20. 12-15, John 14. 23-26, James 1. 26, 1 Peter 5. 8, Matthew 25. 31-46 etc.
So, if the cross is evil in the sight of God, if it is sacrilege to say the cross is sacred, because God says it is evil, if the cross is the mark of the beast, if you will burn in Hell forever if you have the cross / mark of the beast on your forehead...
But if the cross is sacred to the Creator of the Universe, then the cross might be the sacred seal of God which protects one from the 5 months of torture described in Revelation 9, provided this sacred seal of God is on your forehead.
So, if you put the mark of a cross on your forehead, during the Great Tribulation, thinking it will save you from the torments described in Revelation 9, but if it turns out the cross is the evil mark of the beast, then you burn in Hell forever.
But if the cross is the sacred seal of God, and if you simply must put the mark of a cross on your forehead, to escape the 5 months of torment described in Revelation 9, and to escape eternity spent in perdition...
But, if you make a slip-up in your theological thinking, if the cross is the mark of the beast...