A Royal Christmas Princess - Scarlet Wilson

A Royal Christmas Princess

By Scarlet Wilson

  • Release Date: 2016-10-11
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature
Score: 4.5
From 252 Ratings


After a tough year losing her mom and bills mounting, Holly Yates is in for a lonely Christmas. But when she hears a news report that the small principality of Coronia is looking for their lost princess, she recognizes her baby photo on the news and is astounded. Felix – the could-be Prince – is delighted to find her and whips her off to a snow-covered Coronia to meet her real-life ailing father where he persuades her to fall in love with the people and the place. 

Holly is so shell shocked by everything that she agrees - as long as they keep her identity secret until she makes up her mind. But can a shy girl from Baltimore really become a fairy tale princess?

Each book in the Christmas Wishes series is a standalone:
*The Runaway Christmas Bride
*A Royal Christmas Princess
*The Jingle Bell Bride
*The Christmas Contest
*The Christmas Clues


  • Royal Christmas Princess

    By Nettsbox
    A wonderful Christmas story A heartfelt book We need uplifting books during this time of dealing with this heartbreaking pandemic Thank you
  • A Princess for Christmas

    By mvwpd
    I loved reading how a young woman finds out she is actually adopted and is a long lost Princess. But his story has a romantic addition to it as well as a dying Royal father she has never known. This is a must read Christmas tale.
  • A Royal Christmas Princess

    By Spideweb4
    Wonderful story of lost love and a daughter found.
  • A Royal Christmas Princess

    By Q8pr0
    Really enjoyed reading this story. I really wanted Holly to find her place as a princess!
  • Lovely Story

    By Hope in Gulfport
    Perfect for an evening escape to a world where the impossible is possible!
  • Predictable, but still a sweet, quick read.

    By Noudles27
    I enjoyed this book, however, there were many grammatical errors in addition to missing or misplaced words. Would still recommend it if you're able to overlook these things.
  • Christmas Princess

    By Renae_D
    Holly was down to earth and a realist..... the way she looked at life was phenomenal and didn't lose site of the important things.... Enjoyed the way she took charge and learned about the city while still keeping the characters in place. Receiving e an ARC for an honest and fair review
  • Loved it! Beautiful Christmas Romance

    By BookSnuggle
    A Royal Christmas Princess" by Scarlet Wilson is the sweetest Christmas romance story. This is Holly Yates and Felix de Luca's story. Holly is just a normal girl from Baltimore. Her mother passed away a year ago. Holly is tired and trying to figure out how she will be able to pay off all her bills. Then her world gets totally turned upside down after seeing a news report where Felix de Luca is looking for Coronia's lost princess. The photo that they displayed on TV is Holly's baby picture that she has sitting on her dresser. Prince Alfred is very sick and wants Felix to find his daughter. If they do not find his daughter in time, then Felix will need to take over for Prince Alfred. Felix does not want to do this because his life is in New York but he will for Prince Alfred. Holly meet with Felix to tell him that she thinks that she is the baby in the photo. The next thing Holly knows is that she is on a plane to Coronia. If Holly is the lost princess, she needs to decide if she wants to take over for Prince Alfred or go back to Baltimore. Things get really complicated for Holly because not everyone is excited about her being the princess. Plus, the more she spends time with Felix he is becoming more than a friend to her. Felix is a great guy. He is so good to Holly. He is having second thoughts on leaving Coronia and his feelings for Holly are changing to more than friends. Will Holly and Felix be able to have more than a friendship? I just loved this story. This is a beautiful Christmas love story. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
  • A Royal Christmas Princess

    By Jean Granowski
    This was a fun story. Holly had no idea she was adopted, or that her real father was royalty and didn't have long to live. The news is hard for her to accept. Felix doesn't want to be next in line for the throne, so he wants to find the lost princess. Holly certainly didn't handle things like the typical fairy tale. She was way to concerned about everyone else to get carried away with becoming instant royalty. Holly and Felix were a great team. He was seeing Coronia through Holly's eyes as a newcomer and it gave him a whole new perspective.
  • Recommended read

    By bh313@hotmail
    A wonderful tale of a young woman not only discovering that she is adopted but that she may well be a real life princess. Her parents were wonderful people but they are gone now and she has a chance to meet her biological father and discover where she came from. She wants to explore the country of Coronia and get to know her father before letting everyone know that she, Holly Yates, is actually the lost princess of Coronia. Felix, the one everyone thought would take over the throne, is wonderful and helps her see the country and learn the ways of Coronia. The two become very close but they know their time is limited before her returns to NY. Will Holly take over the throne and will her story have the fairy tale happily ever after? Definitely a book I recommend to everyone.
