Rock Island - Bill Etem

Rock Island

By Bill Etem

  • Release Date: 2016-03-12
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature


My books push Christianity but they also push the idea that every church under the cross is a false church lost in heresy and so they all lead people to perdition.  Yes, God might have mercy on some lost in false churches, but as a General Rule, if you die while lost in a false church you get tossed into the lake of fire, see Revelation 20. 12-15.

I'm saying the cross is evil and it is sacrilege to say the cross is sacred. If you feel inclined to quote to me that Jesus said if you lead a little one astray it would be better for you if you tied a stone round your neck and cast yourself into the sea...

Well suppose the cross is the most sacred symbol in the universe. 

Suppose those who say cross is evil will burn in Hell!

Or suppose the cross is...

Even if a person makes no Hellish error with cross he is still lost in heresy and on the road to Hell if he makes Hellish errors on other matters.

Let's turn to the crucifix, specifically the Roman Catholic crucifix, which is an image of a Roman Catholic version of Jesus on the cross. A Roman Catholic version of Jesus is a version of Jesus who says Rome is the True Church, a version of Jesus who says Rome leads people to Heaven. It makes no sense to say the Roman Catholic crucifix is an image of a Mormon version of Jesus, or a Lutheran version of Jesus.

So, if Rome leads people to Heaven, if Rome is the True Church, then you can trust Rome when she says her crucifix is sacred.

But if Rome is a false church lost in heresy, if Rome leads people away from Heaven and to perdition, then the Roman Catholic crucifix is the image of a lie. You see, if the True God / the True Jesus says Rome leads people to perdition, then the Roman Catholic crucifix is the image of a lie, because the Roman Catholic crucifix is an image of a version of Jesus who says Rome leads people to Heaven, and that version is a lie if the True Version of Jesus says Rome is lost in heresy and leads people to perdition.

So, if it is sacrilege to say the crucifix is evil, because it is in fact Sacred...

Or, if it is sacrilege to say the crucifix is sacred, because it is in fact Evil...

Well don't teach little kids to go astray on the matter of the crucifix!  It would be better for you if you tied a stone round your neck and cast yourself into the sea.

John 14. 23-26, Matthew 16.13-19 and Ephesians 4. 4 tell us, in so many words, that it is heresy - it is a satanic lie - to say there is more than one True Church.

How do you find the True Church when there are thousands of separate denominations?

Galatians 1. 8-12 says you're accursed if you alter the doctrines St. Paul learned from Christ.  No end of Woke churches trample on Romans 1. 24-27, 1 Cor 3. 16-17 and 1 Cor 6. 9-10 by supporting gay marriage.

Rome teaches the doctrine that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.  You don't know God if you think Christians and Muslims worship the same God.

2 Thess 1. 8 mentions Hellfire for those who don't know God and who do not obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 11. 27-29 says you drink damnation into your soul if you celebrate Holy Communion in an unworthy manner.

No end of churches give the bread and the wine to people who promote Anti-Christian things: Sabbath violators, pro-choicers, pro LGBT heretics...Read 1 Cor 6. 9-10, 2 Thess 1. 8 etc.

Could it be that you drink damnation into your soul when you celebrate Holy Communion with pro-choicers, because, the pro-choice philosophy is Anti-Christian?

Churches know they will lose money and will go broke if they excommunicate pro-choice members.

Churches make money by trampling on 1 Cor 11. 27-29.

But churches become false churches which lead people to perdition not to Heaven when they trample on 1 Cor 11. 27-29.
