So much depends on making some infallible judgments...
If Christianity is a false religion then you don't have to worry about the Christian Hellfire scriptures.
But if Christianity is the True Faith, as we Christian profess, if Jesus is God, the Divine Son, then what you want to do is get your name written in the Book of Life.
Revelation 20. 12-15 says you get tossed into the lake of fire if your name is not written in the Book of Life.
Perhaps God might take many or most of the damned out of the flames at some point and give them more comfortable places in eternal perdition. We don't really know for certain how long the damned are tortured in Hellfire.
Best to try to avoid the MEAT GRINDER altogether!
So...if Christianity is true then the most CONSPICUOUS problem is the scriptures are clear there is only one True Church. But Christians have divided and subdivided Christianity into thousands of separate denominations.
How do you find the True Church?
How do you identify every false church lost in heresy which leads people to perdition?
These 3 angels from Heaven mentioned in Revelation 14. 6-11 are on the schedule to show up. No doubt they will lead people to Heaven by leading them to the True Church. But don't get angels from Heaven mixed up with angels from Hell. The Antichrist and the False Prophet are also on the schedule to show up.
Revelation 13. 1-8 is a prophesy having the whole world worshipping a multi-headed beast. As it is unlikely the whole world will worship a literal beast with multiple heads, we're looking for a figurative interpretation. What about this idea? If you worship a false god then you are worshipping this multi-headed beast of Rev. 13. 1-8. False gods are beastly because they lead people away from heaven and to perdition. You might pray to some god you claim is the Creator of the Universe, but if in fact you are pushing heresy, if you are pushing false doctrines which lead people away from heaven and to perdition, if you worship a god who supports what you believe, but if what you believe is false and evil, then perhaps you are worshipping this multi-headed beast which we read about in Rev. 13. 1-8, though you claim to worship the True God.
Recall Christ called the Jews a synagogue of Satan, Revelation 2. 9. The Jews don't pray to Satan of course, but if the Jews push false doctrines which lead people away from Heaven and to eternal perdition, then it follows that the Jews are a synagogue of Satan.
If Islam is a false religion which leads people away from Heaven and to perdition, if Allah is a false god, then Islam is satanic.
Roman Catholics worship a god who says Rome leads people to Heaven. But if the True God says Rome is a false church which leads people to perdition, then Roman Catholics worship a false god, they worship a false version of the Trinity, and Roman Catholicism is satanic if it leads people away from Heaven and to perdition.
Any church is satanic if it is not the True Church, if it is lost in heresy and leads people to perdition.
Perhaps large numbers of people will find the True Church during something called the Great Tribulation, see Revelation 18. What causes the Tribulation?
Again these 3 angels from Heaven mentioned in Revelation 14. 6-11 are on the schedule to show up.
And 2 Thess 2 says the Antichrist will show up prior to the Second Coming of Christ.
Perhaps Christianity will be reduced to 2 denominations during the Great Tribulation. The thousands of separate denominations that we now have might be reduced to 2 denominations, one being a false church led by the Antichrist and the False Prophet, and the other being the True Church led by these 3 angels from Heaven mentioned in Revelation 14. 6-11.