During the Summer of 1977 Jerry Gallagher set out on the road to find America along with his Friend, Hal, who Jerry had worked with and known for many years. Hal had a relative who was moving to Phoenix, Arizona and needed someone to transport their Mercury Monarch out to Arizona.In the tradition of Jack Kerouac and John Steinbeck, "Lonesome Travelers" is a book about the American Dream of traveling through the United States and Canada in search of Adventure. On their North American Odyssey Hal and Jerry visit Chicago, Denver, Vail, Aspen, Sundance and Salt Lake City, Utah, Yellowstone, Banff, Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, Carmel, Hollywood, San Diego, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon, as well as many other Interesting American Destinations on their long Journey of Discovery around the Country on their way to Phoenix before returning home. Although it is somewhat of a New Twist on an Old Story , in many ways "Lonesome Travelers"is still the same Old Glorious Road Story told One More time by a Writer who lived it.