By summersarkco
Inspiring book!
By Mjchav_oc
Makes you stand firm on your faith, and makes you pursue the dream that has been left behind or forgotten! Helped me remember what I’m actually doing here, I’ve been playing this life safe, but Christ didn’t die to make me safe! He died to make me dangerous! Thank you
Dr. Batterson for yet another amazing book!
Highly recommend!
Chase the Lion is a brilliant devotion to living your best life for God.
By Rebecca759
Life changing -a must read.
One word!
By ShawnB66
Every Page Is A Page 23
By kamrynsdaddy
I was watching TBN late one night when Batterson mentioned this book. Since June I have had a specific dream but it is one of those dreams that seems beyond my reach. It was while watching the TBN broadcast that the Spirit of God spoke to me and told me I must read this book before Thursday 2/16/17. I immediately downloaded this book and completed it in two days. The richness and depth of this book cannot be contained in words; all I can say that with each turn of the page, the words jumped off the pages at me. Each page is a page 23 for me but if one thing stands out to me it is the fact that God-sized dreams will be beyond my abilities and resources. Great book, one that will be on my virtual bookshelf forever.
By Zilla fengshui
My pastor is give a lesson on chasing the lion an it's awesome keys point are epic. If you are not scared it's to small. Great quote
Can't wait!
By eph2v8
I actually started the devotional on YouVersion recently and I've been glued ever since! Super stoked to get a copy of the book for myself!