From well-known Celebrities to Sports Stars, they all say the same thing when they get in front of a television camera. “Hi Mom.” There is no denying the powerful and influence a mother’s devotion and love have on a man’s life. Every boy grows up to be a man and every relationship he has in his life will be directly sculpted by his mom.
Of course, mothers know this by instinct. So it is embedded in their DNA to build up and empower their child any way they can. Unfortunately, though, many mothers feel lost and confused when their child doesn’t act the way they thought they should. Especially boys.
This is where Parenting 101 can help. When things go sideways and you are feeling beat up and ready to take a vacation, get some much-needed guidance from this how to Single Moms guidebook that looks at such topics balancing your life as a single mom, asking for help, disciplining, self-esteem issues, bonding, communication, better performance in school and the risk of alcohol or drug abuse.
And then there are the 10 deadly don’t ever do these sins... (just kidding) but you want to be aware of this 10 things and understand the importance not to do them as a single mother.
Then we take a look at some real life examples of very famous men who were raised by single moms, you will be Shocked I promise you.
Here is some more of what you will get.
• What its like to be a single mom to boys .
• The effects on a boy in a fatherless home.
• The challenges single moms face when raising boys.
• Ten mistakes single moms make in raising a son.
• Parenting and raising your baby boy alone.
• Great stories from men raised by single moms.
Thanks for checking out our book, we hope that it can help you with many of your challenges as a single mom. Remember to reach out to friend’s family and other parents that have faced the same challenges and have overcome, they can be a huge asset in your journey to be the “Mom You Have Always Wanted to Be”
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