A Synopsis of the Birds of North America - John James Audubon

A Synopsis of the Birds of North America

By John James Audubon

  • Release Date: 2015-11-12
  • Genre: Science History


A Synopsis of the Birds of North America
John James Audubon, American ornithologist, naturalist, and painter (1785 – 1851)

This ebook presents «A Synopsis of the Birds of North America», from John James Audubon. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected.

Table of Contents
- About This Book
- Preface
- Vulturinæ. Vulturine Birds, Or Vultures
- Falconinæ. Falconine Birds
- Striginæ. Owls
- Caprimulginæ Goatsuckers
- Cypselinæ Swifts
- Hirundinæ Swallows
- Muscicapinæ Flycatchers
- Sylvicolinæ Wood Warblers
- Certhianæ Creepers
- Parinæ T**s
- Sylvianæ Warblers
- Turdinæ Thrushes
- Motacillinæ Wagtails
- Alaudinæ Larks
- Fringillinæ Finches
- Agelainæ Marsh Blackbirds
- Sturninæ Starlings
- Corvinæ Crows
- Laniinæ Shrikes
- Vireoninæ Greenlets
- Piprinæ Manakins
- Ampelinæ Chatterers
- Sittinæ Nuthatches
- Trochilinæ Hummingbirds
- Alcedinæ Kingfishers
- Picinæ Woodpeckers
- Cuculinæ Cuckoos
- Psittacinæ Parrots
- Columbinæ Pigeons
- Pavoninæ Pavonine Birds
- Perdicinæ Partridges
- Tetraoninæ Grouse
- Rallinæ Rails
- Gruinæ Cranes
- Charadriinæ Plovers
- Scolopacinæ Snipes
- Tantalinæ Ibises
- Ardeinæ Herons
- Anatinæ Ducks
- Merginæ Mergansers
- Pelecaninæ Pelicans
- Larinæ Gulls
- Procellarinæ Fulmars
- Alcinæ Auks
- Colymbinæ Divers And Grebes
