Trial by Thrall - Lizzy Ford

Trial by Thrall

By Lizzy Ford

  • Release Date: 2015-11-19
  • Genre: Paranormal Romance
Score: 5
From 21 Ratings


Novella #2, Trial Series. Sequel to Trial by Moon. After the shock of her first trial, Leslie believes she can handle anything, including turning into a magic elf or whatever the fae really are. But the differences between alpha werewolf Ben and Tristan - the enigmatic leader of the fae, whose abs and sexual prowess are the stuff of dreams - soon have her wading into new supernatural waters. Guarded where Ben was assertive, Tristan is hard to understand and even harder to predict. The most unnerving part: he’s empathic. He can read every tiny little emotion she experiences.

Such as … betrayal. The Book of Secrets has revealed a truth that leaves her questioning everything – and everyone – she’s ever known. Something far worse than the Trials, and more frustrating than Tristan forbidding her from using her temporary fae magic to save an entire generation of his people.

The more she learns from Tristan and the Book, the less certain she becomes of her own world, and she begins to resent the Kingmaker magic that ensures she’s only fae for a week.


  • Amazing story line!!!

    By Cheryl SDS
    This is Leslie's second week and it's being spent mated to Tristan, the leader of the fae. She's constantly finding out things she wished she hadn't. It's a constant struggle for her to want to give up her Kingmaker duties. The things Leslie goes through to try and fix what is happening with the fae are outrageous and wrong but she can't stop from trying everything she can to help them. This author had me hooked from the beginning and didn't release me until the very end. What an amazing imagination Lizzie Ford has. The storyline is awesome! The characters feel so real, it's as if I can see them acting out the story in front of me. I am definitely looking forward to reading more from this fantastic author. Received a copy in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinion expressed is my own.
  • Fae, Werewolves, Vampires, mystery, danger, confusion, loved it!

    By Tdill90
    5 stars I am SO hooked on this story! Leslie's journey has me turning page after page as quickly as my eyes can read, and my brain can process each word. This book, her journey with Tristan, with the fae, is surprising, exciting, scary, and emotional. Her time with Tristan, holy freaking WOW, hot!!! The things that happened to her blew my mind a bit. The new discoveries from The Book of Secrets only made me question more exactly what would happen next, and how this series could possibly end. I am so anxious to read the next book, I HAVE to know what happens next!
