Dragonmark - Sherrilyn Kenyon


By Sherrilyn Kenyon

  • Release Date: 2016-08-02
  • Genre: Paranormal Romance
Score: 4
From 237 Ratings


Centuries ago, Illarion was betrayed– a dragon made human against his will, then forced to serve humanity as a dragonmount in their army, and to fight for them in barbaric wars, even while he hated everything about them. Enslaved and separated from everyone he knew and from his own dragon brothers, he was forced into exile in a fey realm where he lost the only thing he ever really loved.
Now he has a chance to regain what’s been lost— to have the one thing he covets most. But only if he gives up his brothers and forsakes the oaths he holds most dear. Yet what terrifies him most isn’t the cost his happiness might incur, it’s the fact that there is just enough human in his dragon’s heart that he might actually be willing to pay it and betray everything and everyone– to see the entire world burn in Dragonmark, the next blockbuster Dark-Hunter novel by #1 New York Timesbestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon.


  • Copy and pasting...Really???

    By lmk6
    Okay, I want to start out by saying I love this series. She’s an amazing writer and her characters are normally so well developed. But with this book she got extremely lazy. She literally copied and pasted CHAPTERS from Cadegan and Maxis’ books. She didn’t even the change the wording to Illarion’s point of view. So basically we got maybe a little more than 200 pages of Illarion and Edilyn’s story. 180 of those pages were in the past, too. Which brings me to another point... Why have so many of these recent books had so much backstory? I get it. We need some. But I really want to focus on the here and now. At least with Maxis and Sera, the main story lines were in the present. It’s boring to read about things you basically already know from other books. Honestly 80 pages would’ve sufficed for the past story here, if even that. I’m so upset with this book. I love Illarion’s character and I just feel so jipped.
  • Recommended

    By Anaxkolasi
    Illarion was locked in another realm for centuries with nothing to do but fight the ones who had taken everything from him. He was rescued in the book Son of No One. He has hated humanity since he was a young dragon who was attacked and held against his will, until he meets Edilyn. Edilyn has no hope of ever escaping the drudgery of her life. She wants nothing to do with dragons, but things with Illarion are different. Will they be able to get past their differences to forge a future together? I enjoyed this book but I wish it would have had more of their lives in the present.
  • Family

    By math wizard
    Another excellent book by Sherrilyn Kenyon! We have a well written story which ties in a lot of the Dark Hunters. The action is awesome and the tragedy is heartbreaking. Yes, you have family, friends fighting a common foe but you have twists to the story which makes it hard to put down! I will say the ending is a surprise and true live wins again!
  • Blatantly copied and pasted

    By Morinstn
    I love most of this series, but this story copied and pasted from two of her previous works. I understand that when you have intersecting timelines there is going to be some overlap, but at times I forgot which characters story I was supposed to be in. The first part was good, the middle part was blatantly repeated from previous works, and the last eighth of the book or so was decent. I found myself skipping a lot of Cade and Max’s stories because I had read those books. Not worth the full price in my opinion when we get less than half a book in new content. Also side question not directly related to this book, But why in the world are new releases of e books 15 bucks?? It’s ridiculous to pay new hardcover price for something that if you wait a few months (which I do) for it to come down to a paperback price. I’d love to preorder books but there is no way I’m paying 15 bucks for a book that I don’t even have a physical copy of.
  • Can You Say Redundant and Cheaply Done?

    By MJHecate
    It is rare I leave reviews and even rarer I leave bad ones. This over priced novelette is a vast disappointment an deserves a poor rating. As a hobbyist writer for myself and friends, I am well aware how difficult it can be to create good stories, especially long term stories such as the Dark Hunter series. As a professional author, using a majority of a prior book to complete the next book in a series makes one question the professionalism of Ms. Kenyon. It's fine to use repeat bits to help new readers to a series but a vast majority? As an avid reader and purchaser of many many books of many authors and many genres, I have enjoyed Ms. Kenyon's Dark Hunter series up until now. While Dragonmark started out fairly well, Ms. Kenyon's solution to flush out the requisite number of pages, for her publisher no doubt, using a 100 pages or more fairly verbatim of her prior novel as filler to complete this story is shameful. Or, should I say deceitful to her paying fan base customers. This overpriced book should be dumped to the $.99 bargain or novelette bin, rather than premium price paperback or e-book. Barring that, it should be re-written with fresh content to complete the story. I certainly hope the 3rd Dragon book, I purchased, at an even more expensive price when I purchased Dragonmark, is written much better than this was.
  • Nothing interesting

    By JulienneLy
    It is mostly Illarions view of what everything has happened. The only unique part of the book is early beginning and then it all goes back to what has already happened. Boring.
  • What did I even just read??

    By themangoagent
    Disjointed and rushed. This is the first book I've read from this author, and was very disappointed. The base of the story started out alright, but wove in seemingly random stories that were sloppy and so sudden I tripped over them. I picked the book up in the airport, trusting that a top seller would be a good quick read for my flight. I'm sorry to say this author hasn't gained a new reader for her other works.
  • Not worth $ paid

    By Anwealde
    I feel ripped off of my money after reading a book which is 80% material from previous books and only 20% new material. Not worth paying full price.
  • Wait for it to come down in price.

    By DMV 1357
    I'm usually a huge fan but this book felt phoned in. She added huge chunks of previous books to this one. I was skipping chapters bc I had already read them. It was like she had a deadline and just threw in stuff to meet it. The parts that she took time for where great. I was very sad about this book especially because I paid 14.99 for a book that I had already read in previous stories.
  • Lame

    By uthersdreamer
    I've waited to actually read the heros story Yet instead am rereading almost word for word two different books. A few chapters in the beginning and end are the only real story here. Not her best.
