God Talks, Sharing Christ In Our PostChristian Culture - Steve Hughes

God Talks, Sharing Christ In Our PostChristian Culture

By Steve Hughes

  • Release Date: 2015-05-04
  • Genre: Christianity


God Talks is a guide to help Jesus followers share the message of Christ to our unchurched and dechurched friends. A “God Talk” uses a relational and discussion oriented process to help friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors discover the loving and saving power of God in their lives. Pastor Steve has over twenty years of experience in utilizing God Talks with friends and has taught this evangelism method as a seminary and Christian university Instructor. The book’s goal is to help churches and Christians develop life skills for sharing the message of Christ to the unchurched and dechurched in our postChristian culture.
Some surveys say that a majority of people believe in God. However, active and consistent attendance at Christian churches in America applies to only 14% of our population. High school students and young adults who were active in church are leaving the church. Only about ten to twenty percent remain in the church after graduation from high school. We do live in a postChristian culture in North America.
The church has for decades used a legalistic, formula based, confrontational, and simple “sinner’s prayer” approach to evangelism. Jesus modeled for us a relational and process oriented style of sharing the message of God and calling individuals to follow him.
The book helps us understand the postChristian culture and how that translates into our approach in sharing and modeling the life and message of Christ. A helpful description is given of how to begin a God Talk. Tips are provided on how to have a discovery oriented discussion with a friend about Christ in contrast to an argumentative debate. Included are chapters that provide help in not using “Christianese” when we talk with our friends and how to paraphrase and share a “Jesus story” from scripture.
A resource section of the book provides examples of how to respond to a friend’s beliefs and statements that continues the discussion and not end it. Role plays, from real life examples, are provided to help prepare for a God Talk with a friend. Small group discussion questions and Biblical references are given. Contact information is included to book Pastor Steve for a training webinar or workshop.
