2 Thess 2 deals with the Antichrist and strong delusion.
Powerful emotions drive Christians to reason as follows: Ma and pa were members of our church, and since we believe that our church has led our dearly departed friends and family members to Heaven, then this is what we are going to believe! We're not interested in hearing any opinions saying our church is a false church which leads people to perdition! We only want to hear that our church leads people to Heaven!
If you are lost in a false church, a church lost in heresy, a church which drags souls down to eternal perdition, how are you going to wise up and recognize Reality?
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." - Matthew 7. 13-14.
It's like this...
If Christianity is a lie, then Christianity won't deliver you to Heaven.
But if Christianity is the True Faith, as we Christians insist, then, you know, there's the standard Christian info to be mindful of: Repent so that you can escape Hell! There is a DEVIL! And the DEVIL is trying hard to lead you to Hell with his SATANIC LIES! See 1 Peter 5. 8.
Satanic lies, what sort of satanic lies?
For example, suppose John 14. 23-26, Matthew 16.13-19, Ephesians 4. 4, 2 Thess 1. 8, Galatians 1. 8, Acts 26. 12-18 tell us that it is heresy, that it is a SATANIC LIE, to say there are more than one True Church.
Then don't tell a SATANIC LIE and announce that there are more than one True Church!
Since there is only one True Church, and since there are thousands of separate denominations...
Churches lose $$$ when they excommunicate people. But churches violate 1 Cor 11. 27-29 - AND THEREFORE THEY BECOME FALSE CHURCHES - THEY BECOME WORTHLESS CHURCHES WHICH DRAG PEOPLE DOWN TO ETERNAL PERDITION - when they trample on 1 Cor 11. 27-29, by taking the $$$ and refusing to excommunicate the people who must be excommunicated.
You have to escape from every false church and every false religion. You have to get your name written in the Book of Life. You get tossed into a lake of fire if your name is not found written in the Book of Life, recall Revelation 20. 12-15
Some say you need only profess John 3. 16 and then you are saved, then you are a saint bound for Heaven! But paying lip service to John 3. 16 doesn't actually prove your faith is legit. The New Testament is filled with scriptures which say that your faith is bogus if you don't have good works. James 2. 17 - faith without works is dead. Luke 13. 3 - Repent of Perish. 1 John 5. 2 - you must obey the Commandments to love God. Those who love Christ keep His words and those who don't love Christ don't keep His words - John 14. 23-26. Hellfire for those who don't know God and who do not obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ - 2 Thess 1. 8. Even an angel from Heaven is accursed if he alters St. Paul's doctrines which he learned directly from Christ - Galatians 1. 8-12.
No end of churches give the bread and the wine to pro-choicers, Sabbath violators, LGBT heretics etc. 1 Cor 11. 27-29 says you drink damnation into your soul if you celebrate Holy Communion in an unworthy manner. Don't partake with people who openly push Anti-Christian things!
James 1. 26 says your religion is useless if you don't bridle your tongue. If your religion is useless then it won't deliver you to Heaven.
St. Paul is clear we are saved by faith alone, but simply declaring you have faith doesn't prove you have legit faith. You're judged by your works at the Last Judgment to determine if your faith is legit.